Volunteering Overview

Interested in making a real and lasting impact on your industry and your future? Get engaged with SAE to explore new fields, expand your network and help shape the future of mobility.

Volunteer Announcements

Volunteer Opportunities

Showing 1 to 5 of 152
04-26-2023 Small Project (up to 40 hours total)
Online Opportunity
04-26-2023 Large Project (up to 100 hours total)
05-03-2023 Large Project (up to 100 hours total)
05-03-2023 Small Project (up to 40 hours total)

"My involvement with SAE began when I was in graduate school. I became a student member in 2003 so that I could attend the SAE World Congress (it wasn’t WCX then) – and attend technical sessions. Even from the first event, I was hooked on SAE and my membership allowed me to create a vast network of automotive professionals."

Andrea Strzelec


Featured Volunteers

"I thoroughly enjoy my interactions with SAE and feel as though I have achieved a more rounded
automotive experience due to my involvement and active participation."

Bill Shelmon
"SAE involvement granted me access to tremendous networking with my colleagues within industry and specialty. I was able to meet, collaborate and work with a lot of talented professionals."

Dmitry Tananko

"The ability to give back and help develop future engineers gives me a lot of joy and constantly renews my faith in the next generation of engineers in the pipeline. Personally, I have made many lifelong friends.  I enjoy being able to continue my involvement as a retired engineer, I can still be active and make a difference in SAE." 

Steve Woodard


"SAE involvement helps me expose my students to new and interesting Engineering topics, allowing them to go to different events which students love, a true win-win for all involved. Every time, I learn something new along with my students and that is the greatest benefit to me. This is one the greatest program for students."

Kunjan Vyas