The Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee (CACRC) is seeking volunteers to contribute to the work of the technical committee, vote on all technical report ballots in a timely manner and maintain active participation on the technical committee.
The charter of the ATA/IATA/SAE Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee (CACRC) is to develop and improve maintenance, and repair of commercial aircraft composite structure and components. The seven CACRC task groups Repair Materials, Repair Techniques, Analytical Repair Techniques, Design, Inspection, Training and Airline Inspection & Repair Conditions.
Examples of standards development/revision activities
- AIR6292 – Guidelines for Repair Process Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Composite Bonded Structure
- AMS6885 – Carbon Fiber Tape Repair Prepreg, 120°C (250 °F) Vacuum Curing
- ARP5144A – Heat Application for Thermosetting Resin Curing
- AIR4844C – Composites and Metal Bonding Glossary
- ARP5256A – Mixing Resins, Adhesives and Potting Compounds
- AIR5279A – Composite and Bonded Structure Inspector: Training Document
- AIR5278A – Composite and Bonded Structure Engineers: Training Document
- ARP5143A – Vacuum Bagging of Thermosetting Composite Repairs
Recently published documents
- AIR6291 – Guidelines for Repair Process Evaluation of Aluminum Bonded Structure
- AMS2980/5A – Carbon Fiber Fabric and Epoxy Resign Wet Lay-Up Repair Material Part 5 – Material Specification: Carbon Fiber Fabrics, Plain Weave, 193 g/m2, and Epoxy
- AMS2980/2B – Technical Specification: Carbon Fiber Fabric and Epoxy Resin Lay-Up Repair Material Part 2 – Qualification Program
- AMS2980/1B – Technical Specification: Carbon Fiber Fabric and Epoxy Resign Wet Lay-Up repair Material Part 1 – General Requirements
- AMS2980/3B – Technical Specification: Carbon Fiber Fabric and Epoxy Resin Wet Lay-Up Repair Material Purchasing Specification – Fabric
- AMS2890/4B – Technical Specification: Carbon Fiber Fabric and Epoxy Resin Wet Lay-Up Repair Material Purchasing Specification - Resin
Work Conducted E-mail, teleconference, face-to-face meeting, Webex.
Preferred Skills/Qualifications/Experience: Expertise in the technology of the committee, understanding of the role and use of standards, good communication skills, is willing to work towards consensus agreements
Benefits of Participation: Volunteers have the opportunity to help develop globally used standards of interest to the member and the opportunity to meet with peers to discuss technical issues of mutual interest.
Leadership Skills Obtained in this Role: Volunteers will work as a team and have the opportunity to assume committee leadership positions.
Time Commitment: Commitment varies based on the particular committee meeting schedule. The member should be able to attend most face to face meetings and teleconferencing events as well as provide input into the development of standards between meetings. Member must also respond to document ballots through the year.