Log in:
Your login credentials are the same username and password you use on sae.org (your MySAE account). If you have trouble logging in, go to https://connexionplus.sae.org/home and click Forgot your User ID or Password?

Profile Set-Up:
Tell us about yourself: Is this what you really look like? Upload a profile picture and add some information to your profile so it is easier to find and connect with like-minded peers.

Profile Settings:
Customize your profile settings: While on your profile page, click on the tab for My Account. Here you can set up how you want to receive emails from the community, how much of your profile you want visible to other members, design the signature area that appears under your discussion posts, and more. If you have any questions about what a certain setting means, please email the Community Manager at communitymanager@sae.org for help.
Email Delivery Options: Here you can set up the frequency of the community emails from Connexion+. The options come in the following form:
- Real time: An instant email each time a discussion is posted in the selected community.
- Daily digest: An email once per day for each community for the previous days’ activity.
- Consolidated daily digest: An email once per day for multiple communities you are a member of for the previous days’ activity.
- Consolidated weekly digest: An email once per week for multiple communities you are a member of for the previous weeks’ activity.
- No email: Unsubscribing from community activity.

Build your contact list: Select Directory > Search by Name from the top navigation bar to find friends and colleagues belonging to SAE. Creating a contact list helps identify relationships and build searchable networks. Our Advanced Search option offers further parameters for making connections. The Member Directory is a benefit reserved for SAE Members.
Join the Conversation:
Posting a Message:
- Click the “Add New” button in the top right corner to post a new message to the selected community of your choice.

2. If you are in the Discussions section of the Open Forum, click the “Post New Message” button on the right-hand side.

- Quick tip: You can upload attachments to your discussion post by clicking “add attachment”
- Attachments will automatically be added to the specified community library

*You can save a draft of the post. The system will also automatically start saving your message once you start adding content. You can schedule a post to go live at a certain time. To access your scheduled posts and drafts, go to Profile > My Contributions tab > List of Contributions.

Reply to a Discussion:

- Reply: Reply to the entire thread.
- Reply Privately: Sends a private response to the member’s community inbox.
- Mark As Inappropriate: If a member's post clearly violates the SAE Terms and Conditions you can flag it to be reviewed by the SAE community management team.
Volunteer with SAE:
- Opt into the Volunteer pool to connect with opportunities across the entire organization. You will gain access to opportunities that will allow you to broaden your skill set, expand your network, give back to the mobility community, and more!

Share a Resource:
- To add a resource to a library go to the Open Forum (or the community you belong to), and click on the Library tab (to the left of the Discussions tab).

*You will notice that there are two different ways to view the community library content (list or folder). The default view is the folder view. Use the icon's to switch the view.
- To add a new library item select "Create New Library Entry". Complete the required fields on the library entry form:
- Title, Library, Description, Entry Type. Based on the Entry type you select you will need to take additional steps after you select next.
Become an MVP:
- Are you ready to take your experience to the next level? Earn engagement points by visiting different pages, sending messages, posting a discussion, replying to posts, uploading resources, adding contact requests, and more! See our different MVP statuses!
- Bronze MVP: 1000 engagement points
- Silver MVP: 2000 engagement points
- Gold MVP: 4000 engagement points