Call for Experts: Battery Swapping Committee

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Starts: 10-06-2023


The scope of Battery Swapping Committee is to develop guidelines and standards on battery swapping. It would focus on the interactive interfaces between software and hardware of swappable traction batteries, including but not limited to, swappable battery system, battery swap mechanism, battery swap interfaces, communication protocols, and the safety and interoperability of battery swapping.


18 - 23
24 - 34
35 - 45
56 - 65
66 +
Advanced (15+ years in industry)
Early (< 5 years in industry)
Mid (6-14 years in industry)

Volunteers Needed:

25 (25 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Amanda Kibler

Nominate Volunteers

Do you know someone who would enjoy this unique opportunity?