Call for Papers for Special Issue on Eco-driving of Connected Electrified Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems in SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles

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Starts: 05-13-2023


Special Issue on Eco-driving of Connected Electrified Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Driven by the rapid development of connectivity, autonomy, electrification, and sharing technologies, we are on the cusp of a new revolution in transportation on an unprecedented scale since the introduction of automobiles a century ago. The connectivity and autonomy technologies have significantly enhanced the observability and controllability of intelligent transportation systems, promising next-generation automotive systems with enhanced safety, comfort, and efficiency. In the meantime, new challenges have emerged in the system design, operation, and optimization within this new paradigm. In particular, the transition from traditional mechanical and fossil-fuel-powered vehicles to electrified vehicles introduces new characteristics and requirements, which make the challenges and opportunities even more complicated. To address them, advanced methodologies have been developed in recent years, particularly on the modeling, optimization, and control of connected electrified vehicles, with the aim of reducing the energy consumption of intelligent transportation systems. This special issue will focus on new theories, methods, algorithms, testing platforms, implementation, and evaluation of eco-driving of connected electrified vehicles in intelligent transportation systems. It provides an excellent peer-reviewed platform for industry, academia, and public agencies to present new findings, close research and development gaps and incentivize more in-depth collaboration in the target area. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Modeling, optimization, and control of connected electrified vehicles, including electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel-cell vehicles
  • Eco-driving of connected electrified vehicles in intelligent transportation systems
  • Cooperative eco-driving technologies enabled by vehicle-to-everything communications
  • Game theory-based approaches for modeling interactive behaviors of connected electrified vehicles
  • Eco-driving in a mixed traffic flow including both connected electrified vehicles and human-driven electrified vehicles with diverse driving behaviors
  • Optimal management and eco-driving of heavy-duty electrified vehicles
  • Eco-driving of electrified fleets through optimal routing and management
  • Connectivity-enabled ego-vehicle-level optimization
  • Integrated eco-driving of the transportation system, platoon, and ego-vehicle
  • Applications of advanced machine learning techniques to eco-driving
  • Advanced energy consumption assessment models of connected electrified vehicles
  • Advanced simulation testing and evaluation on state-of-art eco-driving methods
  • Field testing and evaluation for connected electrified vehicles with eco-driving features

***Should be an industry or public sector professional, or academic with an interest in one or more of fields listed on the site.

For more information, please contact:

Ziyou Song
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Guoyuan Wu
University of California, Riverside, USA

Shuo Feng
University of Michigan, USA

Zhaojian Li
Michigan State University, USA

Deadline to submit manuscripts for consideration:
June 30, 2023

Please submit your article at and include a submission note in Editorial Manager to indicate that it is for this special issue.

If interested "Sign Up" Today!

Volunteers Needed:

25 (25 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Amanda Kibler