Call for Experts: Battery Standards Advanced Battery Concepts Committee

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Starts: 03-08-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


SAE International is seeking industry experts to join the Battery Standards Advanced Battery Concepts Committee.

Battery Standards Advanced Battery Concepts Committee

Generate ongoing information reports for monitoring of new energy storage technologies which will require standards in the future to serve the transportation industry. These ongoing information reports will serve to direct future committee work within the Battery Standards Steering Committee to assure the SAE International Organization stays in front of the new technologies.

If you are interested in this opportunity, apply today!


18 - 23
24 - 34
35 - 45
56 - 65
66 +

Volunteers Needed:

25 (25 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Amanda Kibler

Nominate Volunteers

Do you know someone who would enjoy this unique opportunity?