Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Call for Reviewers

Starts: 05-13-2023
Location: Online Opportunity


 SAE International relies heavily on the time, efforts, and expertise of our reviewers. We value the participation of reviewers to provide constructive comments on manuscripts submitted for consideration in our journals and non-event technical papers, as well as inclusion in a wide range of SAE events.


Reviewers enjoy the benefits of keeping apprised of the latest mobility engineering research, ensuring the quality of published papers, gaining recognition for their expertise, and contributing actively to their field.  


Becoming a reviewer requires proficient knowledge in a relevant subject area and the ability to provide useful feedback to the author and editors. SAE International requires applicants to have previous experience as a peer reviewer. Alternately, applicants with no or minimal experience must complete the Web of Science training course or another appropriate training course. The most important requirement for serving as a reviewer is that you can devote enough time to give a professional, thorough, and objective review within a designated time frame.


For more information about the expectations and responsibilities of our reviewers, please visit our reviewer resources page.


Please submit a CV/resume for consideration (which should include details about previous peer-review experience) and – if applicable – proof of completion of a peer-review training course. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.


Volunteers Needed:

30 (30 open slots)

Experience Required:

1 to 3 Years Industry Experience


Amanda Kibler

Nominate Volunteers

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