Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Call for Section Officers - US, Canada and Mexico

Starts: 07-12-2023


Become involved in your local SAE Section, and meet other engineers from your area working in the mobility technology field. You have the opportunity to serve on your section’s governing board or committee in numerous positions. Get involved today to get introduced to your local team and find out the best way you can contribute! Section Officers agree to a one-year term for the entire section year, running from June 1- May 31.

Multiple opportunities for involvement are available at the community level. Please apply now to receive more information from SAE on how you can become involved in a leadership role in an SAE Section in your area.

Individuals interested in leadership positions at the local level MUST BE CURRENT SAE MEMBERS.

Volunteers Needed:

20 (19 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Amanda Kibler

Nominate Volunteers

Do you know someone who would enjoy this unique opportunity?