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Welcome to the SAE Alberta Section's online community. Utilize this space to network virtually with section members, learn about upcoming Section events, share resources, and more.

Tap Into Your Local Mobility Engineering Community

The SAE Alberta Section offers a strong local network of mobility industry peers, mobility events, technical meetings, company tours, and social events. Our Section encourages student participation at the undergraduate and graduate levels by working closely with SAE Collegiate Chapters and our Collegiate Design Series Teams at our local universities. Come and join us as we navigate the changing mobility landscape together.

Discussion Posts

  • There's still time to compete in the Q2 SAE Local Section New Member Drive. The SAE Local Section that refers the most new SAE members will win $500 for their section plus bragging rights. For contest details and eligibility visit ...

  • Are you ready for a little section to section competition? Starting today through December 31 st we are running a friendly Section competition to see who can recruit the most new members by the end of the year. The top three sections who recruit the ...

  • Profile Picture


    Fellow SAE Alberta members... This is the Connections page for our section. Feel free to post questions and comments for your Alberta cohorts. This page is reviewed and moderated by the SAE Alberta section executive. Keep an eye on the left sidebar ...

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    RE: Welcome!

    ​I hope you utilize it and find it helpful. Yes, I know. If you click on 'about this section' you will see that I linked your website to this microsite. ------------------------------ Abby Hartman SAE Membership SAE International ---------------- ...

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    RE: Welcome!

    Hello Abby, This is great! Thank you for creating this forum for the Alberta Section members. Please note we now have our own web domain! Saealberta SAE international - alberta ...

Upcoming Events

Check back soon for upcoming events

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Current Members
65 Members
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community Admin
community Moderator
community Admin
community Admin
community Admin
community Moderator
community Admin
community Moderator