SAE Awards

Fall Nominations Open 8/12!

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Connect with experienced mobility engineers and experts to share industry knowledge and career advice through one-to-one mentoring relationships.

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  • Volunteer Opportunities

    • The Industrial Lecture Program provides a unique opportunity for SAE Students and faculty advisors to interact and engage with an industry expert. In addition to giving their technical lecture presentation, ...

       05-13-2023  |  Quick (less than an hour)

    • Volunteer Opportunity

      Student Volunteer to take a quick survey (5-10 minutes). Questions include: What benefits and/or volunteer opportunities would be valuable to you as a student? What are you looking for in terms of ...

       05-13-2023  |  Quick (less than an hour)

    • Volunteer Opportunity

      SAE International is seeking SAE Student Members to drive discussion and engagement in the Student Community . In the application, you will be asked to provide content for the Student Community: 1. ...

       05-13-2023  |  Full day (four to eight hours)

    Member Benefits

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    Save up to $865 on SAE's industry-leading mobility events covering critical advancements in the mobility industry with exclusive, member-only discounts.

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