Chat with the Experts: Meet SAE Authors

Starts:  Oct 17, 2022 09:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Oct 27, 2022 05:00 PM (ET)
Meet SAE Authors and chat with them about the topics of their books. Authors will be available up to 2 consecutive days between October 17 - 20 and October 24 - 27.

Plus, if you participate in a particular Book Chat, you will be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of that book.*

In addition, Head of SAE Books, Sherry Nigam, will be available October 19 & 26 to answer your questions on how to publish a book with SAE.
Date Author Book  Discussion Thread
October 17 & 18 Umar Zakir Abdul Hamid, PhD Autonomous, Connected, Electric, and Shared Vehicles: Disrupting the Automotive and Mobility Sectors Join here
Jeffrey Wishart, PhD Fundamentals of Connected and Automated Vehicles Join Here
October 18 & 19 Paul Wooderson Automotive cybersecurity - An introduction to ISO/SAE 21434 Join Here
October 19 & 20 Pranab Saha  Acoustical Materials: Solving the Challenge of Vehicle Noise Join Here
Xubin Song Advanced Hybrid Powertrains for Commercial Vehicles, 2E Join Here
October 24 & 25 Alisyn Malek Intersection: Reimagining the future of mobility across traditional boundaries Join Here
David Ward Automotive cybersecurity - An introduction to ISO/SAE 21434 Join Here
October 25 & 26 Sven Beiker The Mobility Diaries - Connecting the Milestones of Innovation Leading to ACES  Join Here
October 26 & 27 Plato Pathrose ADAS & Automated Driving - A Practical approach to Verification and Validation Join Here
  R. Kyle Schmidt The Design of Aircraft Landing Gear Join Here
Dan Williams   Generalized Vehicle Dynamics Join Here

*Rules & Conditions
1. You may win only 1 free book
2. You must be a current SAE Member
3. Hard copies can be sent to US members. E-Books will be sent to international members