
2023 Baja SAE Business Presentation Volunteer Opportunity!

By Rachel Wetzel posted 03-27-2023 07:44 AM


2023 Baja SAE Business Presentation Volunteer Opportunity!

Baja SAE will be conducting their Business Presentations in a three-tier process for the 2023 season. Student teams just submitted an RFP this week which will be reviewed and evaluated by event captain and a few key volunteers. Teams will be selected to present virtually to a panel of judges and if selected, teams will present in the Business Presentation Finals onsite at each competition location.

SAE and the Business Presentation Captains are looking for more virtual presentation judges. This will be a full day volunteer opportunity starting at 11AM Eastern Time operating until 6-7PM Eastern pending the final number of teams selected after RFP review. Training will be provided for event expectations and use of the online systems for participating in the presentations and scoring of teams. If any volunteer who participates in the virtual presentations plans to be onsite at any of the competitions, you are also invited to participate in the Finals.

To volunteer, please sign up before Monday, March 27th.

Volunteer training will take place Monday, April 3rd times TBD but we will offer two sessions (~1 hour each)

Virtual Business Presentation event will take place Thursday, April 6th starting at 11 AM Eastern.

